Friday, November 24, 2017

Season's Greetings from the Beth Mason Civic League- Christmas has Come Early

Beth Mason Civic League with Christmas Decorations up even before Black Friday
Beth Mason, former two term Hoboken City Councilwoman from 2007-201, has brought out the holiday cheer even earlier than ever this year. Her Beth Mason Civic League located at 12th and Washington Street was decorated this year in the Christmas theme even before Thanksgiving this year.

Beth Mason was not a factor (at least from what I could tell) in the 2017 Hoboken elections this year but was certainly busy spending time and money to bring some holiday pizzazz to Hoboken's premier shopping district. Washington Street has besieged by a poorly managed infrastructure project that is anywhere from 7 months to a year behind schedule and adversely hurting many small business owners I have spoke to. Politics besides, perhaps a little holiday festivity on street that is less drive-able than some war zones can't hurt. In all honesty, I find the decorations to be quite tastefully done as far as Christmas decorations go.

For the sake of diversity perhaps an additional menorah, some Denali inspired lights and a little Kwanza would add a little variety and inclusiveness. After all, Hoboken just proved it trumped hate with the Mayoral election results on November 7th.